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The La Garenne Blog




Global Citizenship

A part of the IMYC course, the accreditation process and their general education, the students in Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a course in Global Citizenship. In this course we look at a wide variety of international topics. Earlier this term, we discussed the causes and effects of tropical storms, taking case studies from the recent hurricanes on the east coast of the United States, in the Philippines and in China.

We are currently examining certain aspects of the students’ host country –Switzerland. In Monday’s assembly we looked at the unique form of direct democracy and federal government that is part of Swiss political life. This led on to discussions comparing Swiss politics with the students’ home countries.

In class we are now looking at a variety of aspects of Swiss geography and culture – including its main regions, the distribution of its population and main linguistic regions, the neighbouring countries, and the Swiss cantons. Studies of the host country do not necessarily form part of the taught curriculum, but we believe it is important for the students to have some understanding of the country in which they are living and studying, as well as a wider knowledge of global issues. We are currently organising a visit to the Swiss parliament in Bern so that the students can see the government in action later on in the term.

Global Citizenship

Categories: Academic


Cambridge English

All students from Years 3 to 9 are prepared for one of the Cambridge English or Other Language examinations (ESOL). The suite of examinations followed by La Garenne students is as follows:

  • Starters
  • Movers
  • Flyers 
  • Key English Test (KET)
  • Preliminary English Test (PET)
  • First Certificate in English (FCE) 

Examinations above this level, namely the Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) and the Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE) are not designed for students of the age range we have at La Garenne, but more for adults. For this reason those students who have passed the First Certificate are given the opportunity to begin working towards their Cambridge IGCSE examination in English, that they will normally take in their next school.  Those who passed the First Certificate with a relatively low grade may also re-sit the examination in May.

The English entrance tests give us a good idea of the English level of new students, and all the students are tested at the beginning of the school year to ensure that they are in the correct class. All the classes are taught simultaneously, allowing movement to a higher group for any student who progresses rapidly. Students are grouped by level, but also by age. The inscriptions for the external examinations are made in the spring, and the tests themselves take place in June, at La Garenne and in other local partner schools. Parents are informed by email of the group their child has been placed in and are given the option of whether they want their child to sit the exam at the end of the year. We strongly recommend the children to take the exam as it is widely recognised in schools, universities and corporations.

Those students who are first-language speakers of English also follow the Cambridge course at a level that will provide them with an appropriate challenge. Experience has shown that these students benefit from increased exposure to the English language, particularly in the areas of vocabulary, spelling and grammar. However, they are not obliged to take an external examination at the end of the course.  

Cambridge English

Categories: Academic


Year 1 & 2 Class Trip

Today the children in Year 1 & 2 are having fun building sand castles at Bouveret Beach and exploring the Swiss Vapeur Park. Their IPC unit this term is, `Hooray Let`s Go On Holiday`. This has been the ideal opportunity to make links to their learning and enjoy time out of the classroom together, they have impressed us with their fantastic communication, creativity and enquiry skills.
Well done Year 1 & 2!
year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2
Year 1 & 2 Class Trip

Categories: Academic


Reception - Year 6 Assembly

On Friday 21st September it is the International Day of Peace. This morning in assembly we discussed what `peace` means, we thought about how we as individuals can make a difference. 

This special day began on the 21st September 1981and was organised by the United Nations General Assembly. 

What is the United Nations (UN)?

The United Nations organisation was formed after the Second World War ended. Neighbouring countries could no longer trust one another, and there was no peace. In 1945, representatives from 51 countries met in San Francisco, USA. The representatives signed an important document which agreed to keep peace around the World. Membership to the UN is open to all peace-loving states, there are currently 193 nations that are members. One of the main UN offices is found in Geneva, here in Switzerland.
We enjoyed reading the book, `Five Minutes` Peace`. We talked about what peace looks like, feels like, smells like and sounds like to different people, and we thought about how we can help create a culture of peace in our own environments. 
The children in Year 1 - Year 6 then worked in groups to write an acrostic poem about peace.
Promises mean peace
Everyone is quiet
An act of kindness creates a new, more peaceful planet for everyone
Come together to make World Peace
End war
blog 1 blog 1 blog 1 blog 1

Categories: Academic


The start of a new school year – welcome, everybody!

Years 7, 8 and 9 began their new IMYC units.

The Big Idea for the Year 7 unit is Balance    

Things are more stable when different elements are in the correct or best possible proportions.


The Entry Point involved the students taking part in a yoga lesson, examining ideas of physical and mental balance. This led on to a discussion on the broader aspects of balance, including such things as diet, work/life balance and ecosystems. The students will now to go on to further explore this Big Idea in their individual subjects.


The start of a new school year – welcome, everybody!

Categories: Academic

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