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The La Garenne Blog




Trip to the Cailler Chocolate Factory

Last week Year 3 and 4 went on a trip to the Cailler Chocolate Factory, “Maison Cailler”. This trip tied in perfectly with their IPC topic this term “Chocolate”. The children completed a workshop and learned how to make their own chocolate bars including adding ingredients for texture and how to decorate using icing bags and smarties. They impressed the staff with their knowledge of cocoa beans, especially with their geography skills when they were able to name and explain where cocoa trees grow and the climate and conditions they need to grow.

They went on an exciting interactive journey through chocolate right back to the 1500’s, where they learned about how the Aztecs first used to drink chocolatl and use the cocoa bean as money, up to the ingredients and techniques modern day chocolatiers use now. Of course they also had to do some work and help the chocolate factory quality control a variety of chocolates before they could be shipped off all around the world!

As if all this wasn’t enough fun, they had a great time playing in the playground at lunch time and completing an interactive chocolate quiz and cinema experience to see how much they could remember!

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Trip to the Cailler Chocolate Factory

Categories: Academic


Reception class spent the morning at Beau Soleil

Today our Reception class spent the morning at Beau Soleil. They had an opportunity to take part in an art and dance workshop which was all about their unit of learning - water!

Thank you Beau Soleil, we had so much fun!

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Reception class spent the morning at Beau Soleil

Categories: Academic


Year 1 and 2 are learning about the circus in IPC

Year 1 and 2 are learning about the circus in IPC. For our 'wow' activity to introduce this unit, we dressed up as circus performers, made badges and tickets, then watched circus performances followed by a popcorn snack. As artists we have been looking closely at the expressions of performers and created clown faces to represent different emotions.

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In maths we have been learning about fractions through practical activities and games.

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This term we have a writing corner in the classroom and have been very busy being writing lists, letters and stories, then posting them in our special postbox.

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We enjoyed a fun day out last week, related to our learning about transport last term. The children travelled from Vevey to Mont Pèlerin on the funicular and found out how it worked. Then, had a delicious lunch in Manora followed by a play by the lake in Vevey. They wrote postcards and letters in Literacy to recount and thank for this lovely day out.

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Year 1 and 2 are learning about the circus in IPC

Categories: Academic


Reception April Blog

This term in Reception our topics are Sand and Water and Treasure.

We have spent lots of time working in the sand and water trays whilst enjoying the lovely sunshine and in class we have been learning about islands around the world and the different habitats they provide.

One morning we came in to find a mysterious treasure chest had appeared in our classroom. It was filled with lots of different pirate paraphernalia including a hat, an eye patch, a telescope and even a parrot! On another day the school grounds were covered in gold coins and we had to try and find them all. It was very exciting!

Each day we have also found a treasure clue and when we pieced these all together the sentence said, `The treasure is at Villeneuve.`

So watch this space because it looks like we will be off on a treasure hunt soon!

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Reception April Blog

Categories: Academic


Entry Points for the IMYC Units

Yesterday saw all the Junior classes participating in the Entry Point for their final IMYC Units of the year. The unit for Year 9 is centred on Leadership, with the Big Idea’ being ‘For better or worse, one or more people can use influence so that others aid and support them’. Year 8 will be looking at Communication, with their Big Idea being ‘When information is shared accurately and clearly, the end result is more effective’. Collaboration will be the guiding theme for Year 7, examining the concept that ‘When people work together, they can achieve a common goal’.

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Making the most of the fact that spring has arrived, the entry point for all the year groups took place outside of the classroom. We all travelled to Montreux and the day was spent undertaking a series of tasks involving inquiry and observation, based on the guiding theme for each class. All three groups took part in a quiz and a photo challenge. Year 9 students were required to show their own leadership and organisational skills, finding their own way to Montreux using public transport before beginning their tasks. Though they were shadowed by two teachers, the responsibility for their journey was very much their own. They came through the challenge well and it was obvious that they enjoyed the personal accountability involved in such tasks. Once in Montreux, their main task centred on how this beautiful town has established its leadership in the tourist industry, establishing a worldwide reputation. They were examining what the town’s leaders and entrepreneurs have done to ensure the continuing success of Montreux, making the most of its natural advantages?

Years 7 and 8 were required to search for and record evidence of Collaboration and Communication in a real world, ‘live’ setting. The Entry Point is designed to get the students thinking about their Big Idea. Providing them with the opportunity to do this by way of their own observation and inquiry outside the confines of the classroom gives the whole learning experience much more impact. Not only did a lot of learning take place but at the same time the whole group had a very enjoyable day!

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Entry Points for the IMYC Units

Categories: Academic

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