
La Garenne School Logo


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General Terms and Conditions



  • The La Garenne internet site is the property of La Garenne International School SA which manages it. La Garenne International School SA is a company established under Swiss Law and registered in the canton of Vaud under the name La Garenne School SA. Its legal address is 23 Chemin de Chavasses, 1884, Villars-sur-Ollon, Vaud, Suisse. Communications may be made to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone to +41 24 495 2453 or by fax to +41 24 495 21 57.
  • The act of accessing the La Garenne site, navigating on it or using it automatically implies an acceptance of the aforementioned General Terms and Conditions. There may be changes made to the terms and conditions and it is the users responsibility to consult them regularly. If you do not wish that an individual photo of your child appears on our website, please inform the school office. Every effort is made to avoid your child appearing in a photo but we are not responsible should your child appear in a group photograph.
    The La Garenne International School is authorized to use a student’s work and, subject to the above paragraph, all the pictures of the student in its communication.
  • Parents are issued a password in order to have access to certain information on the school website. Users are not allowed to obtain any material or information which has not been made intentionally available on the La Garenne site. The passwords are to remain confidential. You are to inform the school if there has been unauthorised use of your password. In case of violation by the user of any of the General Terms and Conditions, access to the site may be denied as well as the password being terminated./li
  • As a user of the La Garenne internet site, you undertake not to cause, or allow a third party to cause, harm to La Garenne, the staff, the students, other users of the site or clients. Not to put online any defamatory, injurious, obscene or menacing content.
  • Internet links-The La Garenne International School web site may have links to third-party internet sites. La Garenne International School SA has no control over the linked sites or their content, for updates to their site or any links from them to another site.
  • La Garenne International School SA does not guarantee the proper functioning of linked sites nor the absence of bugs or viruses susceptible to harming any equipment you may use to access the internet.
  • La Garenne International School SA may suspend or modify part or all of the services offered on the internet site for any reason and at any time, at its own discretion.


La Garenne School

  • Should the students leave for the weekend, a period during the day or have someone come to visit them, a written demand by post or email is obligatory.
  • No photos, telephone numbers, home address or information concerning your child will be handed over to a third party without written consent from the parent(s).
  • Students may appear on any form of publicity whether it be for the school or a third party. Parents may submit an opt-out request in writing.
  • Should a student be picked up at the school by someone other than the parents, they must be on the list provided by the parents or an email should be sent beforehand with the name of the person.
  • In case of litigation between the school and the parents, Swiss Legislation is the only law applicable in all matters concerning this contract. The competent tribunal will be that of the district of Aigle
  • The students are to abide by the school rules / code of conduct which may be amended each year. It is the users responsibility to read any amended rules.


Exemption from responsibility

  • The information on the La Garenne site is liable to contain errors or misprints. La Garenne International School SA reserves the right to carry out modifications. We do not guarantee that the documents are the most recent or the reliability, relevance, availability the exhaustive nature or accuracy of the information, materials, programmes, products or services or of any graphic elements  contained on the La Garenne site.
  • The user accepts that La Garenne International School SA is not responsible for any data they may transmit , send or use on the La Garenne site. The school cannot be held responsible for any act carried out by the user based on information on the La Garenne site.
  • La Garenne International School SA cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the information on the La Garenne site.
  • La Garenne International School SA cannot be held responsible if the La Garenne site makes necessary a repair to your IT equipment or a rectification of your data.
  • The user undertakes to compensate and guarantee La Garenne International School, the Directors, officers, employees or representatives against any claim, action or demand, including legal costs, linked to or resulting from their contravention of the General Terms and Conditions.


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