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The La Garenne Blog




Say trip to the Natural History Museum in Geneva

Year 6 had a fantastic day trip to the Natural History Museum in Geneva. They learnt so much about animal evolution and adaptation from the amazing guide Chloe. After a delicious lunch, they really enjoyed watching the ant behaviour in the Fourmis exhibition.

natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2

Say trip to the Natural History Museum in Geneva

Categories: Academic, School Trips


Usborne Book Fair last week

To coincide with our Usborne Book Fair last week, all the Mini and Cub classes and Junior tutor groups had great fun decorating their doors on the theme of books. The Minis and Cubs worked together with their teachers to create doors to represent books they were studying. The Juniors created 'We Love Reading...' doors and students created something that linked to their own favourite book or author.  

On Friday the Mini and Cub children voted for their favourite Junior door and the Juniors voted for their preferred Mini/Cub door.
The winners were Year 9 and Year 6. The students chose the Year 9 door because it was colourful and made them want to read the books when they were older. The Enchanted Wood door by Year 6 was chosen because to was interesting and detailed.
Well done everyone for your hard work and creativity and especially to our winners!
Usborne Book Fair last week

Categories: Academic


Anti-Bullying week

As it is Anti-Bullying week the Mini Assembly focused on "Respect". The children thought about what respect meant to them and how they can show respect around the school. 
They understood that their words and actions have an impact on other people's thoughts and feelings. They also understood that they have the power to choose what they say, how they say it and what they do. 
We all agreed that as we have a choice in how we behave we Choose Respect at La Garenne!
Anti-Bullying week

Categories: Academic


Reception and Year 1 & 2 Assembly

Thank you to the Reception and Year 1 & 2 Class for their fantastic assembly on Tuesday. 
The children in Reception have been learning about what similarities and differences they have between themselves, physically, as well as their likes and dislikes. We enjoyed listening to their song all about friendship. Well done to our youngest members of the school, we are proud of you!
In Year 1 & 2 the children have been learning all about punctuation to end sentences, they have been enjoying participating in role play to find out how sentences end. The children presented their bar chart from their IPC unit, `Hooray…Let`s go on Holiday!` which showed how the children like to travel to their holiday destination. We then made a human bar chart which was a lot of fun. 
Well done to our Stars of the Week - these children were chosen for their communication skills this week.
Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2 Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2 Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2 Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2
Reception and Year 1 & 2 Assembly

Categories: Academic


Natural History Museum in Geneva

The Year 7 Entry Point for the unit on Adaptability was centred on a visit to the Natural History Museum in Geneva. The students undertook a series of tasks identifying how animals adapt to their specific habitats. The experience broadened their understanding of the need for biodiversity and the protection of natural environments. At the same time, they had a very enjoyable day!

Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum

Natural History Museum in Geneva

Categories: Academic

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