
La Garenne School Logo


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Learning Support

Learning Enrichment /
Learning Support



“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn”
- Ignacio Estrada

Support for all students

We pride ourselves on supporting gifted students as well as those with mild to moderate learning needs. Classroom teachers work closely with our Learning Support specialists to identify, support and monitor students who require extension and challenge, or additional help.

The aim is to:

  • enable students to become independent learners and to monitor their own progress
  • develop students' self-esteem and positive attitudes about school and learning
  • assist students to participate fully in the curriculum
  • provide additional teaching and resources
  • involve parents through effective communication
  • promote collaboration amongst teachers to implement whole-school policies on learning support
  • develop individual teaching programmes (IEPs)
  • intervene to enhance learning and reduce anxieties around learning


Individual Educational Plan

An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is created for each student who needs support, whether to enable them to progress to top universities, or to bring them up to the level of their classmates. The plan is discussed with parents whose involvement in and backing for the plan is crucial. Teaching Assistants can be used in class for one-to-one support.


Specialist Referral

Occasionally, and only with the agreement of parents, we seek the opinion of outside specialists. La Garenne facilitates communication between therapist and parent, and we encourage the sharing of information with us if appropriate.


Previous Assessments

Parents of new students should provide the school with copies of existing IEPs and inform us about any learning difficulty to enable rapid access to learning support.


Emotional Support

Our Learning Support team works with the Head of Boarding, parents and our health team in order to promote self-esteem and positive attitudes to school and learning. Students attend age-appropriate workshops on various topics including sexuality and mental health. Students of all ages take part in PSHE lessons to promote personal, social and health education.


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