
La Garenne School Logo


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School Photographer

Our Photographer, who is intimately familiar with La Garenne, rejoined the team to capture precious moments in children's lives throughout the school year.

Memories are immortalized through his lens, ensuring they endure long after the years have gone by.

Our Photographer, who is intimately familiar with La Garenne, rejoined the team to capture precious moments in children's lives throughout the school year.

Memories are immortalized through his lens, ensuring they endure long after the years have gone by.

Our Photographer, who is intimately familiar with La Garenne, rejoined the team to capture precious moments in children's lives throughout the school year.

Memories are immortalized through his lens, ensuring they endure long after the years have gone by.

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Last Projects

The choice of this option does not mean that these pictures will appear with our daily photos on the school's website or the pages of various social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
At the end of each term, you will receive a virtual album directly via a "Flickr" type Internet link. The photos will be scanned and in high definition.

We offer a range of options, allowing you to choose what is most appropriate for your child.

Options per term:

Package 1: 20 photos during the term - CHF 350
Package 2: 30 photos during the term - CHF 450
Package 3: 50 photos during the term - CHF 650

Options for the school year:
Package 4: 60 photos during the school year - CHF 900
Package 5: 90 photos during the school year - CHF 1'200
Package 6: 150 photos during the school year - CHF 1'800

My Year at La Garenne

Finally, this year we are pleased to announce a new option: an album called "My Year at La Garenne". This will be a high-quality paper album, designed and hand-made in Italy, featuring photos of your chosen option, placed inside a most elegant box. This will be a wonderful souvenir that your children will keep for life!

"My Year at La Garenne" CHF 900.- (including production, mounting photos from the file, printing and sending to your postal address) - (e.g. 60 photos + "My Year at La Garenne" = CHF 1'800.-)

NEW: My Year at La Garenne Printed Book
My Work
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Beautiful portrait photography, art prints & inspirational photos.
Viggo Mortensen
"Photography, painting or poetry - those are just extensions of me, how I perceive things; they are my way of communicating."
Viggo Mortensen
Ernst Haas
"There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are. "
Ernst Haas
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We thank you in advance for completing the attached form if you wish to reserve one of these options.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

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