
La Garenne School Logo


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Primary School
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Primary School



La Garenne Primary School

La Garenne International Primary School offers a personalised, creative curriculum that blends traditional elements with innovative teaching, designed to meet each child's individual needs. We follow the English National Curriculum alongside the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), ensuring academic rigour with a strong focus on developing social and emotional needs and well-being. Our curriculum aims to provide a transition into the Middle Years secondary programme (MYP), educating our students to become responsible and compassionate global citizens.

Our students are taught by dedicated, class teachers with the addition of specialist teachers for daily French lessons, Art, Music and Sport. Learning is differentiated to ensure that all students are supported, challenged and engaged in their learning. As students progress through the Primary section, from Reception to Year 6, we encourage responsibility, resilience, and kindness. Our family atmosphere, small class sizes, strong communication with parents, along with our focus on individual care and attention, all within a beautiful, safe environment, make La Garenne the ideal place for a young child to grow and learn.

Our Early Years Programme aims to develop key life skills such as independence, creativity, inquiry and problem-solving, learning through play and exploration. Learning takes place both indoors and outdoors, with our outdoor environment utilised throughout the year and in various weather conditions.

For more information please download the Primary Curriculum Handbook.

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