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Executive Team



School Leadership

The La Garenne Executive Team was established in 2015 in order to ensure and oversee the implementation of La Garenne strategic direction, establishing guidelines and regulations, ensuring financial probity and upholding the school values and philosophy.


- Grégory Méan

General Director

Grégory Méan is the fourth child of the Méan family and grew up with school as his home. Grégory graduated from the Hotel Management School in Lausanne in 2003 (EHL). Having gained experience in hotels around the globe, he returned home to Villars to become Assistant Director of a leading local hotel. In 2008, he was thrilled to take over La Garenne with the aim of making it one of the leading schools in the world, at the forefront of educational and pastoral development. Céline, Grégory’s wife, is a former student here and works in the school’s HR department.

- Alexey Filatov

Head of Finances and IT

Prior to joining the Board of La Garenne School, Alexey spent twelve years working on the accounts of the largest multinationals in the advertising, media consulting and audit sectors. He has a Master of Science from Moscow State University and received his business education at Stockholm School of Economics and INSEAD. In 2015 Alexey completed an Executive MBA at IMD Business School. In his current role, Alexey creates financial and practical solutions for La Garenne’s ongoing expansion and development.

- Danielle Allard

Head of Primary School

Danielle came to La Garenne in 2008 and has been in charge of developing and implementing the Primary Curriculum and Assessment structure. She has also introduced Cambridge English qualifications. Danielle previously taught in England and often travels abroad to visit schools and attend leadership workshops. Danielle plays an active role in classroom teaching and works closely with her primary school colleagues to give each child the confidence to reach their full potential. A rewarding feature of her role is getting to know the families and working with them to support their children’s learning and development.

- Adam Jozef

Head of Secondary School

Adam came to La Garenne with a wide range of teaching experience including over ten years as an IB Diploma Programme Coordinator. He has taught in the Middle East, the UK and Germany. Prior to joining La Garenne, he has worked in various Senior Leadership roles including Secondary School Headteacher. He is also a School Visit Team Member and Workshop Leader on behalf of the International Baccalaureate organisation. He relishes being in the classroom where he teaches History, Politics and Theory of Knowledge.

- Aaron Schmidberger

Director of Advancement and Admissions

A native of the USA, Aaron's career began as a Residential Director at a Catholic day and boarding school in the Midwest. He moved to Switzerland in 2005 and before joining La Garenne, he worked in private day and boarding schools here, including in Basel and Leysin. Aaron holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Management and is responsible for La Garenne’s Advancement and Admissions programme. He is particularly focussed on promoting La Garenne as a close-knit community with strong core values. He is also committed to cultivating and strengthening relationships with parents, faculty, students, partners and friends both locally and abroad.

La Garenne International School is a company established under Swiss law and registered in the canton of Vaud under the name La Garenne School SA.

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