
La Garenne School Logo


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Frequently Asked Questions

What level of English is required to study at La Garenne?

All students are welcome to apply to La Garenne regardless of their level of English. If their level is low compared to their peer group, additional lessons are organised under our English as an Additional Language programme.

How many nationalities are there at school?

There are more than 30 nationalities and many different languages. We have a quota of maximum 12% per nationality and 15% for students sharing the same mother tongue.

How much pocket money is allowed?

Year 1 - Year 6 - Between CHF 10 and CHF 20 per week

MYP1 - CHF 30 per week

MYP2 - MYP3  CHF 40 per week

MYP4 - CHF 50 per week

Only Le Roc students may have a pre-loaded direct debit card.
How do I contact my child and can they have their own mobile phone?

We have set times and days for family contact sessions, depending on the age of the child and the time zone of the parents (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details). Family time is online via Skype or another platform, or by mobile phone. We limit student access to mobile phones during the school day and during extra curricular activities to maximise learning and participation. Students who break the rules will have their phones confiscated.

Does the school provide laptops for students?

La Garenne does not provide laptops. Each student from Year 1 to MYP 3 form should have their own Apple Macbook. Students from MYP 4 to DP2, any computer/tablet that is able to fit the requirements is allowed for MYP 4 to DP 2. Our IT department will set the laptop up on our secure systems to ensure students only have access to safe applications and websites. The department also provides ongoing support for hardware and software issues. Please read the Computer Rules before purchasing a new device.

How many children are in each class?

Class sizes are between 12 and 18 students

Lessons are adapted in regards to the level of the students and differentiated for their specific needs and abilities.

What languages are taught at La Garenne?

All students follow an English curriculum as well as a French second language programme. There are additional private lessons available as well as language clubs for students in MYP1 and above. The languages include Japanese, Russian, Chinese, German and Spanish.


What are the IT/Computer regulations

Please refer to Computer Rules and Regulations here.

Do you organise school trips?

Global citizenship is encouraged by school trips around the world, led by our experienced staff. These trips are planned to complement and reinforce the academic programme, they are mandatory and are fully part of the academic programme. Explore more.


What extracurricular activities are on offer?

We run almost thirty after-school clubs. These include a full range of sports, creativity and drama. Students can take part in football, karate, yoga, ballet, modern jazz, cookery, singing, photography, chess, cross-country running, drama and public speaking. Some activities incur an extra cost. More details can be found here.

When and where do the students ski?

As we are right next to the Villars Le Roc d'Orsay cable car, we have easy access to local ski slopes. Students usually ski or snowboard three or four times a week from January to March. We also run ski expeditions all over Switzerland at weekends and take part in inter-school ski races.

Is there a school laundry service?

Laundry is taken care of on a daily basis by our housekeeping team.

For students in MYP4, they are taught laundry skills, life skills, and start to do their own laundry from time to time.

Does every student stay a whole year?

There are a variety of yearly programmes on offer, these include:

  • The Academic School Year
  • Summer Camp
  • Integration Programme
  • Winter Camp

> explore our camps

Can I visit my child?

Yes, but we ask that you make a formal request, at least three days in advance using this form. During the first two weeks of the September term, we do not permit any weekend exeats, as students need to settle back into school life. Otherwise, providing no mandatory school activities are taking place, weekend leave starts on Friday at 16h30 until Sunday at 18h00. You may also take your child out for dinner provided you give us due notice.

When is the best time to apply to La Garenne?

There is always an advantage in that we can help the student prepare academically for entry as well as work alongside the family for an easy integration process.

What do boarding students do at the weekend?

On Saturday and Sunday mornings, students can go shopping, do their homework, and catch up with their reading or music practice. Family skype time for most students is on Sunday. Weekend afternoons normally see the students off campus, enjoying activities such as swimming, climbing, cultural visits and so on.

What clothes should boarders bring?

Please refer to the Clothing List here.

How close is the the nearest airport?

La Garenne is just 90 minutes by road from Geneva Airport, 40 minutes from Lausanne, 3.5 hours from Paris and Milan (train) and three hours from Zurich (train).

Please check Google maps for our precise location.

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