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Academic Overview


Academic Programmes

Our key objectives are to enable each student to achieve academic success and develop a passion for lifelong learning and discovery. The boarding school environment provides the stability and structure necessary to thrive and develop. Parallel to this, the academic life of the school engages students with stimulating and challenging programmes of study. The small class sizes favour a personalised approach to teaching, based on inquiry and investigative learning.


The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is integrated with the English National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6. The IPC is a creative, rigorous curriculum with a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for international mindedness and for personal learning based on the IPC personal goals of cooperation, communication, thoughtfulness, respect and resilience.


The Middle Years Programme (MYP) provides a broad and balanced education for the 11-16 age group. In the final two years, flexibility within the choice of subjects allows students to follow their personal learning goals and future educational plans. After completing their MYP studies, students can choose between two different study routes for their final two years of study.


The IB Diploma and La Garenne High School Diploma are separate qualifications, but the courses studied during the Senior School Years contribute towards both. The IB Diploma is more demanding: students who complete the programme successfully are also awarded the La Garenne High School Diploma - see below.


  • The International Baccalaureate Diploma programme challenges students to become independent thinkers and learners, preparing them well for further education and study. Through the unique core components of the Diploma such as Creativity, Activity and Service, the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge, students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone both physically and intellectually.

  • The High School Diploma enables students who have significant commitments to extra-curricular activities or whose future study plans do not require the full IB Diploma route to achieve greater success with fewer courses. It is particularly suited to those who plan to pursue a career in business or hospitality, or who wish to apply to US universities. Our staff will guide and support you to find the right course at the right university or further education college.

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