
La Garenne School Logo


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La Garenne School, Chemin des Chavasses 23, Chesieres, Switzerland


Visit La Garenne

We are always pleased to give personal tours of our campus and facilities to prospective students and their families. Please get in touch wth us admissions @ la-garenne.ch to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, you can complete the form below and we will be in touch with you soon. La Garenne is just 90 minutes from Geneva Airport, 40 minutes from Lausanne, 3.5 hours from Paris and Milan (by train) and three hours from Zurich. You can find directions here.

Virtual Open Days

We also run Virtual Open Days throughout the school year. These are held online, with the Director of Admissions. For details of how to join our next virtual Open Day, please contact the Admissions Team - email address above.

Virtual Tours

If you cannot visit us in person, you can find a virtual tour of our campus and facilities here.

La Garenne on Tour

La Garenne International School also attends school fairs around the world. These informal gatherings enable families to meet our admissions and academic teams in person without travelling far from home. The sessions cover the School Year Programme, our Summer and Winter Camps and our unique Integration Programme. Countries we visit regularly include Bulgaria, Portugal, Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and the USA. Details of our upcoming tours are published here.


You can also complete this online form and we will be in touch with you soon.


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