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The La Garenne Blog


The start of a new school year – welcome, everybody!

Years 7, 8 and 9 began their new IMYC units.

The Big Idea for the Year 7 unit is Balance    

Things are more stable when different elements are in the correct or best possible proportions.


The Entry Point involved the students taking part in a yoga lesson, examining ideas of physical and mental balance. This led on to a discussion on the broader aspects of balance, including such things as diet, work/life balance and ecosystems. The students will now to go on to further explore this Big Idea in their individual subjects.


The Big Idea for the Year 8 unit is Respect

It’s important to honour behaviour and processes that have proven merit.

In their introductory activity for this unit, Year 8 brainstormed what respect means to them. We then looked at some short videos on respect and then discussed the importance of respect at a variety of levels. The discussions covered such areas as respect between individuals, of different beliefs and religions and respect for the environment.



The Big Idea for the Year 9 unit is Community

A shared sense of belonging occurs when people are able to negotiate and appreciate their complex and often messy differences.

In the first half of term, Year 9 will be looking at the concept of Community at a variety of levels. The Entry Point for Year 9 centred on the local community here in Villars. The students worked in groups to explore the village, practising their map-work skills and discovering the wide range of communal facilities available in the village. They will be producing a photographic display to illustrate this.  This activity has given them a greater understanding of the community in which they will be living for the next nine months - or more.  

imyc units


The start of a new school year – welcome, everybody!

Categories: Academic

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