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The La Garenne Blog


Family life

At La Garenne the students arrive from many different countries and, of course, many different cultures. They have to adapt, learn, study and understand what is expected of them. In order to do so they receive a lot of care and attention but most of all, we live and learn as one family.

This is the most easiest and natural way of growing up with a good solid foundation and excellent social skills not to mention that it creates strong bonds between the students and staff and the students usually continue so once they finish their studies with us. It is important that the students help each other when need be and that they take care of each other, no matter their age. Some of the children come from families with many brothers and sisters, others may not. What is important though is feeling part of a big family. It is very easy to say to a child that they are expected to be responsible but it is a skill which cannot be transferred orally, it has to be learnt and most of the time, through trial and error, this usually continues throughout our lives as adults as well.

We shouldn't though forget that getting it wrong from time to time is also important in order to learn that we have to pick ourselves up and start again, we help the students to understand that achieving a goal can sometimes be more fulfilling if the pathway getting there was a difficult one, that is sometimes an achievement in itself. When joining La Garenne as a student or member of staff, it is first of all joining a big family with a variety of characters, attitudes, beliefs, opinions and some madness as well, just as any normal family!


Family life

Categories: Boarding Life


Boarding week

It has been a very busy start to the year and I am happy that all the students are finally settled and have been able to make new friends as well as meet up with their friends returning from last year. The after school activities have been very popular and the noticeboard is full of choices and clubs that even the most energetic of students would find it difficult to keep up with! It is important to offer the widest range and an extensive list of choices in order to meet the needs of each individual student. The boys and girls football teams were very popular once again and their new uniforms will be ordered this week in preparation for the future matches. The new clubs such as basketball and robotics are also very popular and have generated a lot of interest within the other sections of the school. Even though the students have a very long day with classes, after school clubs, evening activities and reading time, they still seem to have a lot of energy left over at lights out, the opposite of the staff after a long day. The boarding houses are a hive of activity at the weekends when the students are not in class and of course we shouldn't forget the weekend expeditions when the students are camping in the mountains!

A wonderful start to a new school year and I hope that everyone continues to enjoy their time at La Garenne and all the activities on offer!

Boarding week

Categories: Boarding Life


Week 3: Reception & Year 1 & 2

Reception & Year 1 & 2
We are feeling very proud of our youngest students. The Reception class have been very creative this morning, they did some fantastic finger painting and wrote their name, they explored with shapes and colours to construct houses, they reinforced their knowledge of numbers by ordering them on the interactive board and they enjoyed sharing books with their friends.
Year 1 & 2 had a super Literacy lesson describing their favourite toys. They then created a class story path for `Whatever Next` and they planned their own stories, changing the characters ad events.
Week 3: Reception & Year 1 & 2

Categories: Academic


Fire drill

Fire drill this week again. It is very important that our students understand what to do, where to go and how to react should need be.

Fire drill

Categories: Boarding Life


Boarding weekend

Another busy weekend in the boarding school, the students are away for an overnight expedition, they were joined by Georgina the Head of Humanities who also enjoyed playing on the inflatable castle with them before leaving. As the sun sets, we can see that another beautiful weekend in the Swiss mountains is appreciated by all.


Boarding weekend

Categories: Boarding Life

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