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The La Garenne Blog


The last week

The mid-term break is already upon us and the students are very excited to have a short break before returning for the second half of the term. It has been a very quick start to the year and we have not seen the time fly by. The students have enjoyed the start to the term and as usual, the in-school competitions have been very popular. This week we had the final of the pool competition and the ping-pong as well. We are looking forward to the winter sports starting to introduce many other competitions which we will be able to organise with the snow and activities outside. I wish all the students an excellent break.


The last week

Categories: Boarding Life


Meet our Student Council Class Representatives

Meet our Student Council Class Representatives - Maya, Anastasia, Ella, Ludovica, Marousia, Tony, Mathieu, Rio

Student council is a group of students elected by their peers. Our school council members will bring ideas, requests, and feedback to the meetings. Students who participate in student councils learn about the democratic process, leadership, problem solving and teamwork.

The student council is the voice of the student body.


Express Yourself

As part of Express Yourself week each class decorated their door based around the book they have been reading. The winning class was announced in assembly this morning - well done to Year 3 & 4!


Meet our Student Council Class Representatives

Categories: Academic


Exploring the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’

This week, as part of our special ‘Express Yourself’ celebrations, we have been focusing on reading. We decided that it is fun to read everywhere. Take a look where we took our favourite books!
The Reception children have been thinking about the initial sounds in words. We looked carefully for words beginning with different sounds and used our special Spotter Glasses to help us!

Exploring the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ has been lots of fun. We acted out the story and took on the roles of the pigs and the big bad wolf.

In the role play we worked on The Three Pigs’ Building Site and in The Architect’s Office. We were designing houses and then using the construction equipment to help us build our models.

The Reception children have been investigating the properties of different materials. We wondered which materials the big bad wolf would be able to blow the furthest. We used an air pump to help us gets lots of ‘huff and puff’! It was lots of fun and we found out that a house made out of leaves would blow much further away than a house built of stone!

By Kirsty Madison, Reception Class Teacher.


Exploring the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’

Categories: Academic


Academic Blog: Week 5

What a busy week this has been for the Juniors! Along with the Minis, the children in Year 7, 8 and 9 all took part in drama workshops on Tuesday, loosely based around the book ‘The Island at the End of Everything’.
Their work was presented to the rest of the school in a special Assembly on Wednesday morning.

We have also launched the new Challenge ‘Reading Ahead’ which focuses on the children reading six new titles of their choosing, then writing a simple review with a rating in their logbooks. Our Librarian Sue, along with the teachers, is always happy to recommend books to the children.

On Friday Derek judged the Minis’ door decoration competition. All the entries were of an amazingly high standard, the winner will be declared in the Mini Assembly next week.

The Usborne Book Fair was held in the Minis Lounge in La Garenne, and was a huge success with children and parents buying books of all genres.

Friday also saw the Year 7 and 9 children travelling with our Art teacher Donna, by train to the gardens in the local village of Bex where they admired the open-air sculpture exhibition that takes place every three years.

Next week is a short one, as we finish for the Half-Term holiday on Wednesday. During the break, the lucky Year 9 children are heading off with Derek, Mélanie and Baptiste on a cruise of the western Mediterranean, visiting sites connected to their studies, in Italy, Spain, Malta and France. We wish them bon voyage!



Academic Blog: Week 5

Categories: Academic


Express Yourself - Drama Day

Each class spent a session with Jodie and Emily from 'Limelight Creative Learning' yesterday.

The Reception and Year 1 & 2 class enjoyed their workshop which was linked to the story, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. The Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 classes participated with enthusiasm in their session, their inspired book was, 'Journey to the River Sea'. Our Junior children demonstrated their super acting skills, 'The Island at the end of Everything' was their chosen book.

This creative, interactive experience made the learning accessible for all.

Each class performed to the rest of the school this morning. The children enjoyed the experience and our visitors complimented the children on their excellent behaviour and participation.

Thank you Emily and Jodie!


Express Yourself - Drama Day

Categories: Academic

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