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The La Garenne Blog


Boarding week

It has been a very busy start to the year and I am happy that all the students are finally settled and have been able to make new friends as well as meet up with their friends returning from last year. The after school activities have been very popular and the noticeboard is full of choices and clubs that even the most energetic of students would find it difficult to keep up with! It is important to offer the widest range and an extensive list of choices in order to meet the needs of each individual student. The boys and girls football teams were very popular once again and their new uniforms will be ordered this week in preparation for the future matches. The new clubs such as basketball and robotics are also very popular and have generated a lot of interest within the other sections of the school. Even though the students have a very long day with classes, after school clubs, evening activities and reading time, they still seem to have a lot of energy left over at lights out, the opposite of the staff after a long day. The boarding houses are a hive of activity at the weekends when the students are not in class and of course we shouldn't forget the weekend expeditions when the students are camping in the mountains!

A wonderful start to a new school year and I hope that everyone continues to enjoy their time at La Garenne and all the activities on offer!

Boarding week

Categories: Boarding Life

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