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The La Garenne Blog


Study week in the boarding houses

This week the students are in exam revision in the evenings and we will be  overseeing their study methods and helping them. Within the school, the Mini section will have open study evenings all week when the students are allowed to study the subjects they choose each evening. The Junior students may also study their own subjects but each evening there is a specific study club with Barry to help the students prepare correctly. After 24 years in La Garenne, 15 teaching and 8 as Head of Academics and now Head of Pastoral, Barry will be able to oversee the study periods and help with any questions the students may have in regards to their studies. Of course, the students may ask for help at any time should they have any questions or require any help, the house parents are always available.

Study week in the boarding houses

Categories: Boarding Life


Boarding life

After a long week of lessons, visits and activities, the Junior house has had a quiet Friday evening. The Junior boys chose their film for the evening and also asked for a pizza party, Jean Seb and Alex the school chef organised the evening for them and they had a fantastic time. The Junior girls opted for an evening which was organised by Paula and Maria Sofia, they chose chocolate cookies after dinner with hot chocolate and a 'girly' movie, a great evening was had by all.IMG_6142.JPGIMG_6143.JPGIMG_0984.JPGIMG_6144.JPG

Boarding life

Categories: Boarding Life


Let’s get ready for the end-of-term examinations!

The end-of term examinations will begin on Wednesday 6th December. In last Monday’s assembly, and in the Tutor Periods each morning this week, we have been helping the students to prepare effectively for their examinations. Revision is not simply reading through notes and the students have been given concrete advice and practice on how to revise effectively. They have been introduced to a range of techniques they can use to help them prepare for the upcoming examinations.

In recent years, research in the field of cognitive psychology has given us a greater understanding on how our brains work. This has brought genuine advances in our understanding of how we learn – and how we should revise. We have given the students tips on how they can improve their learning by using such techniques as spaced practice, retrieval practice, elaboration, interleaving, concrete examples and dual coding. Now to put all this learning to good use!

Should you wish to gain further insights into these techniques, the following links might be useful.

Let’s get ready for the end-of-term examinations!

Categories: Academic


School Charity

As the end of the year approaches and we are busy with our exam preparation and Christmas lists, we also dedicate some of our time to our charities who we support throughout the year, Sparadrap, ACLEM and Make a Wish. Tomorrow some of the students and staff will be visiting the local children's hospital to deliver presents for all the children. It is important for us that the children in hospital also receive something, some of whom may not have parents to look after them. 

School Charity

Boarding week

Last week has been as busy as usual! With the multitude of visits and activities in the boarding houses, the students have been very busy. The weather has allowed us to spend as much time as possible outside and the students were happy to make good use of the combination of sun and snow. We have been shopping for warmer clothes and new boots to allow the students to circulate with the huge snow fall we had. We look forward to another busy week.

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Boarding week
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