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The La Garenne Blog


Computing Class

Our students study computing to gain an understanding of computational systems of all kinds, whether or not they include computers. All three aspects of the Computing curriculum are taught at La Garenne: computer science (CS), information technology (IT) and digital literacy (DL). ‘Computational thinking’ is a skill that we teach so that our children are ready for the workplace and will be able to participate effectively in this digital world. Computing is taught by a specialist teacher once a week and computers are used on a daily basis by the students during their everyday lessons. Here are some of our youngest students practising their touch typing skills.


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Categories: Academic


National Poetry Day

In celebration of National Poetry Day, which was on the 1st October, we enjoyed listening to some poems in our Primary Assembly this morning. The students then separated into their native language group and worked together to perform a poem about autumn.

We talked about remembering to read with expression, intonation, at a good pace and use actions when performing poetry, we look forward to listening to the students performing the poem in next week`s assembly.

Well done to our Stars of the Week; Sasha, Kornie, Oscar and Sven. We are proud of you!

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Categories: Academic


Mathematics in our Primary Section

We LOVE Maths here at La Garenne and we value its importance in everyday life. We provide our children with the opportunity to understand and apply their learning to the practicalities of the world around them. Let`s see what the Primary Section have been doing in class this week.
This week in Maths, Kirsty's group have been recognising, ordering and writing numbers to 20 and looking at the properties of some 2D shapes. We have had lots of fun working practically as well as practising our number formation.
In Jenny's Maths group, we have been looking at place value and concentrating on ordering numbers to 100, looking at the tens and ones numbers. The children worked collaboratively to create an ordered number line from a mix of different numbers.
Samantha's Maths class have been working on solving problems in a systematic way and spotting cool patterns within Maths. We found that when we added 3 consecutive 3-digit numbers, the answers are all in the 3 times tables! 
In Gemma`s Maths group, we have been playing lots of games to help consolidate our times tables as well as deepening our understanding of 6 digit numbers.

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Primary Assembly - Week 2

This week, in our primary school assembly we talked about the importance of Recycling, Reducing and Reusing.
The children were then given a challenge; in groups they had to recycle a plastic bottle into something to reuse in order to reduce waste. The children showed their creativity as well as super collaboration skills.
Well done to the Artists of the Week; Sasha, Aida and Nana and to our Stars of the Week; Momo, Lisa and Mary.


Categories: Academic


Primary Assembly

The Primary students were happy to welcome Ilka, a meditation teacher who works at LG, into assembly on Monday to introduce them to mediation. 
We read the book, `Be Kind` by Pat Zietlaw Miller and set ourselves three acts of kindness to do this week: 
-Help a friend or member of staff
-Give someone a compliment
-Talk to/play with someone you haven't had a chance to yet
Each week we celebrate an artist from each class, well done to Ophelia for creating a beautiful wax rubbing using primary colours. Ruairidh for drawing a wonderful picture of the sea using just Line and Rustam for showing a superb understanding of Colour Theory.
We finished our assembly by singing and dancing along to GoNoodle - Can`t Stop This Feeling. 

Categories: Academic

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