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Mathematics in our Primary Section

We LOVE Maths here at La Garenne and we value its importance in everyday life. We provide our children with the opportunity to understand and apply their learning to the practicalities of the world around them. Let`s see what the Primary Section have been doing in class this week.
This week in Maths, Kirsty's group have been recognising, ordering and writing numbers to 20 and looking at the properties of some 2D shapes. We have had lots of fun working practically as well as practising our number formation.
In Jenny's Maths group, we have been looking at place value and concentrating on ordering numbers to 100, looking at the tens and ones numbers. The children worked collaboratively to create an ordered number line from a mix of different numbers.
Samantha's Maths class have been working on solving problems in a systematic way and spotting cool patterns within Maths. We found that when we added 3 consecutive 3-digit numbers, the answers are all in the 3 times tables! 
In Gemma`s Maths group, we have been playing lots of games to help consolidate our times tables as well as deepening our understanding of 6 digit numbers.

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