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The La Garenne Blog


We are delighted to announce that La Garenne is now an IB World School!

Following an extensive and rigorous application process which has been taking place over the last 18 months, we have met the high standards expected of schools permitted to offer the IB Diploma Programme. We would like to thank all of our teachers and other members of staff for their hard work in addition to the parents and students who were kind enough to give up their time to support the school in this process.
We are now very much looking forward to the first teaching of the Diploma Programme in August and offering an exciting new range of subjects!

IB authorisaion la garenne


Categories: Academic


Learning walk around our school

This week, our Primary teachers took part in a learning walk around our school, the focus of the learning walk was Mathematics. Each teacher spent time in all of the Primary classes. The children relished the opportunity to talk to the other teachers about their learning and discuss their work. The teachers all felt that this was a valuable experience and a wonderful opportunity to see all the fantastic learning taking place

Categories: Academic


M1 and M2 Making an advertisement

It has been a busy week for the students in M1 and M2. The M1s are busy learning about advertising and how it works. Today they have been planning and making an advertisement about a product they created. They have had to think about the message the advertisement is trying to send and use the various advertising elements they have learnt about. 

The M2s are well into creating their version of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Their setting is a school for troubled kids, and they have been working hard to learn their lines and think about how they are going to create the effects they want. Each student is in charge of directing a chosen scene from the play, making choices about the setting and how they want each of the characters to express their lines. 

Both groups will be sharing their learning with the school community, the M1s will be creating an advertising campaign to help students and staff think and act positively. The M2s will be making a film of their Macbeth and having a blockbuster release of the film to the school community. 

advertising blog1 advertising blog1 advertising blog1 advertising blog1 advertising blog1 advertising blog1

Categories: Academic


Circulatory System

As part of their Science unit on the human body, the Year 6's have been learning all about the circulatory system. The class went to the brand new and exciting Science labs in Le Roc to spend time with one of the school's specialist Science teachers, Paul. They learned lots of fascinating facts about both human and animal circulatory systems and applied their collaboration and inquiry skills by dissecting an animal heart. They discovered all sorts of surprises including the feel, size and shape.

Science Class Science Class Science Class Science Class

Categories: Academic


Earth and Space

In Science, the Year 5 children are learning about Earth and Space. They learned the order of the planets and used proportion and ratio to make a scaled model of the planets' distances from the sun. They have each researched a planet of their choice as well as designing their own new planet. They then made these new planets using colours, filter paper and water to give the gaseous effect we see on planets.

Earth and Space Earth and Space Earth and Space

Categories: Academic

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