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The La Garenne Blog


Fine Motor lessons

In our Fine Motor lessons this week we have had lots of fun. We have been practicing writing patterns with our eyes closed, using charcoal. We also did some work with peg boards, threaded beads and used different pens to practice letter formations. The highlight was building things with lego using only one hand (the hand we write with).


Categories: Academic


Books, Books, Books!

Thank you to the children who took part in our Extreme Reading Challenge over the holidays. This week we launched our Book Cover Competition; the winners will receive a book voucher to spend at the upcoming Book Fair which will be on Friday 29th January. The Book Fair will take place in our new beautiful building Le Roc, and the children will be able to purchase some books from a local bookstore.
Well done to our top Class Dojo Point Winners who received a book of their choice for achieving the most amount of points in class last term.

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Books, Books, Books!

Categories: Academic


Individuals and Societies - Middle Ages

In Individuals and Societies, the MYP 2 students are discovering what life was like in the Middle Ages in various parts of the world. After looking at the Saxons and the Vikings, we have turned our attention to the Normans, and the invasion of England by William the Conqueror. We examined the way in which William ruled his lands and this led us on to look at Norman 'motte and bailey' castles. Heavy snowfall gave the students the opportunity to undertake some outdoor learning - building Norman castles - with nothing but snow to use as their raw material. They had great fun - and learnt about castles at the same time!

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Individuals and Societies - Middle Ages

Loup Garou

After many requests from the MYP 2 and 3, they finally had the opportunity to play the game Loup Garou this week in French. The teachers mixed the beginner, intermediate and advanced groups. Mathieu, from the advanced group, was a wonderful narrator during this session and he allowed the students to listen to a French-speaking person from their age. 

This game can be played with 8 to 47 players and it allows the students to practise their communication and listening skills. The students had a great time in a French-speaking environment!

Categories: Academic


Materials and Their Properties

In Science Kirsty's class have been studying Materials and Their Properties. Last week we used what we have learnt to help us build houses for the Three Little Pigs. We had lots of fun with straw, mud, bricks, sand, water and sticks! Then we acted out the story and tried to blow down our houses. We must all be very good builders because we had to blow very hard to make them fall down!


Categories: Academic

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