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The La Garenne Blog




Individuals and Societies - MYP 2

In Individuals and Societies, the MYP 2 class are beginning a new unit of study entitled ​‘What was life like during the middle ages? ​A key element in the study of history is the interpretation of historical documents and artefacts. Over the holiday, in preparation for the unit, the class were asked to look at a historical artefact of their choice and examine questions such as: When was it made? Who made it? Why was it made? How did it survive until today?

Where possible, the students were to examine an artefact that is related to their family or their home town or region. This allows us to take a personal approach to the topic, while at the same time promoting international awareness as the students come from many different places. Each student will describe and explain their artefact to the rest of the class in the form of a presentation.

The range of artefacts the students chose was astonishing, including the following: 20’000 year-old cave paintings from the Altamira cave in Spain

altamira cave spain


An antique miniature statue of a camel from the Tuvan culture, from a Russian republic close to the Mongolian border.

miniature statue camel

A pencil case made from a tree that saved family members from drowning in Australia in 1869.


pencil case tree

The Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain - its history and some of its works of art

prado museum madrid


A lost artefact - the Golden Stool of the Ashanti from Ghana

golden stool ashanti

An Aztec calendar from Mexico

aztec calendar mexico


Congratulations to the group, who put a great deal of effort into this preparatory holiday homework!




Individuals and Societies -  MYP 2

Categories: Academic


Youth Forum Switzerland

MYP 4 students are attending the Youth Forum Switzerland to discuss and explore many of the big issues facing the world! They are part of a 700 strong group of young people from schools across Europe getting together to share ideas about how to make the world a better and fairer place.

Youth Forum Switzerland

Categories: Academic


IPC Units Term 2

Welcome back to all our students and Happy New Year! This term is extremely busy and there are some exciting new IPC units for everyone to look forward to.

  • Year 1 and 2 will be learning about transport in their unit called From A to B. 
  • Year 3 and 4 will be learning about early human life in their unit Scavengers and Settlers.
  • Year 5 will be learning to be Space Scientists and Year 6 will be looking at ancient civilisations in their unit AD900.

Please talk to your children about their learning throughout the term and we would love to share any books or objects in class that would fit into any of these units.

Rachel Sparrow

IPC Coordinator

 IPC Units Term 2

Categories: Academic


First term of this school year drew to a close

As the first term of this school year drew to a close, the Minis reflected on the term and everything great that they had achieved or had happened to them. We had a final assembly to congratulate all the children on their hard work and progress throughout the term. Every child received either a silver or gold E-Praise certificate - 38 of which were golds, the most golds we have ever had! 
We also announced the winners of this term’s writing competition, awarding a prize for best writing and best effort for each class. The standard and quality of writing was extremely high this term and the teachers found it very hard to pick just two winners per class! A tremendous effort from everyone - well done!
The Minis would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! 
In true Christmas spirit, the Year 5 students made their own gingerbread houses, from scratch! Super effort!!
Merry Christmas to everyone!!
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First term of this school year drew to a close

Categories: Academic


African food at meal times

This week at La Garenne, we have been celebrating ‘Africa’ and as well as eating African food at meal times, the Minis learnt some more interesting facts about Africa during their assembly.
The singing club also performed their song ‘Kusimama’, an African language song, which they are learning and practising in preparation for their trip to ‘Young Voices- Manchester’ in the new year.
This week, we gave star of the week certificates for whichever IPC goal we had seen displayed excellently during the week. The winners were awarded them for communication, resilience and enquiry.

African food at meal times

Categories: Academic

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