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Individuals and Societies - MYP 2

In Individuals and Societies, the MYP 2 class are beginning a new unit of study entitled ​‘What was life like during the middle ages? ​A key element in the study of history is the interpretation of historical documents and artefacts. Over the holiday, in preparation for the unit, the class were asked to look at a historical artefact of their choice and examine questions such as: When was it made? Who made it? Why was it made? How did it survive until today?

Where possible, the students were to examine an artefact that is related to their family or their home town or region. This allows us to take a personal approach to the topic, while at the same time promoting international awareness as the students come from many different places. Each student will describe and explain their artefact to the rest of the class in the form of a presentation.

The range of artefacts the students chose was astonishing, including the following: 20’000 year-old cave paintings from the Altamira cave in Spain

altamira cave spain


An antique miniature statue of a camel from the Tuvan culture, from a Russian republic close to the Mongolian border.

miniature statue camel

A pencil case made from a tree that saved family members from drowning in Australia in 1869.


pencil case tree

The Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain - its history and some of its works of art

prado museum madrid


A lost artefact - the Golden Stool of the Ashanti from Ghana

golden stool ashanti

An Aztec calendar from Mexico

aztec calendar mexico


Congratulations to the group, who put a great deal of effort into this preparatory holiday homework!




Individuals and Societies -  MYP 2

Categories: Academic

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