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The La Garenne Blog




Science demonstration: Ice and the gases

Year 5 were treated to a Science demonstration from Paul, in the Science lab. He spoke to them about dry ice and the gases involved in the making of it. He then showed them how it worked and they were able to touch the smokey gases and bubbles that were made. During this lesson, the children also investigated friction. They had to move jelly cubes, with chopsticks, from one plate to another and then discover whether it was trickier when covered with oil! A lot of fun was had by all and the children then went back to class to write up the investigation and record their findings.

Categories: Academic


An interview with Alicia & Sophie

Each year we open our doors to students from around the world who want to join us at La Garenne for an Integration period. Two of those students this year are Sophie Pearson and Alicia Latarche from the UK, they are 11 years old and it is their first time at La Garenne.

Why did you and your family choose La Garenne school?
We wanted a different experience and a change from our school and lifestyle. We wanted to ski in the Swiss mountains, meet new people and experience being away from home and our families. We also wanted some independence and when my mum (Sophie) found La Garenne on the Internet, it looked like a great opportunity. We thought one month would be the ideal length of time.
What have been some of your favourite, most memorable moments?

We had a lot of fun in the Boarding House, one evening we chased Sara, the monitor, around the boarding house which was great fun. We loved the expedition, we spent the weekend skiing, ice skating and climbing and we got to sleep overnight in a chalet. Another favourite was going by ski doo to a restaurant to eat fondue. Everyone has been kind and friendly and we are thankful.
How do you feel the experience has changed you?
We feel we can speak more French and we certainly understand a lot more French which is also one of the reasons we came here. We have learnt that children come from different cultures and have different family backgrounds. We also realised that we can overcome feeling homesick as in the first week we really missed our families but we were brave and are happy we stayed.
How is `school life` in Switzerland different to `school life` in England?
We got to ski every afternoon here which was great which we can`t do in England. We have snow to play with at break times. There is lots of chocolate in Switzerland which we like. Going into the village shopping was a different experience as we had to try to communicate using the French we knew.
Thank you Sophie and Alicia!
We are proud of all our students who come and join us during the winter term. 



An interview with Alicia & Sophie

Categories: Academic


Ski Academy

At La Garenne, our aim is to educate the whole person, in the broadest sense of the term. This clearly involves providing the students with a challenging and inspiring academic programme. This we do by way of the IPC and the MYP programmes - and in future via the IB Diploma. However, we also want them to push their boundaries and pursue their passions outside of the classroom. 
The Ski Academy is a good example of this. The students have to train hard, often giving up their own time to do so. They also have to manage their training sessions and at the same time be sure to fulfil their academic obligations. We are now in the ski competition season, where our skiers will be racing against the best performers from other schools in the area. This requires not only genuine ability and physical attributes. As is the case in all competitive sports, mental attitude is very important for success. In skiing, the boundary between success and failure can be marginal. The skiers have to take risks and occasionally overcome the pain of defeat. This is all part of individual growth - both as a sportsperson and as an individual. Developing resilience will help them in all aspects of life. 
 As one of the ski and expeditions staff pointed out recently: 
'It is hard on ski racers, as they train regularly for months but a race may only last 50 seconds and relies on them going incredibly fast..... on ice..... and staying upright.!!' 
We wish them every success in the races to come


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Ski Academy

Categories: Academic


Weighing in Maths

The Year 1 and 2 children have been weighing in Maths this week. The Year children have compared the weights of different fruit and then made a delicious fruit salad and the Year 2 children have weighed in grams and made super sticky flapjack. Maths is so much fun!

year1 2 weighing in maths2 year1 2 weighing in maths2 year1 2 weighing in maths2 year1 2 weighing in maths2

Weighing in Maths

Categories: Academic


Primary Assembly

Safer Internet Day is taking place on Tuesday 11th February this year. `Together for a better internet` is the key message this year. At La Garenne, we are providing opportunities for children to talk about their worries and misconceptions with regards to online safety. We are able to differentiate the learning by teaching Internet safety in class as well as in assembly.
In the Primary section, last Friday in assembly, Samantha talked to the children about understanding our online identity and how important it is to keep safe.
Well done to the children who achieved the Star of the Week for Communication. It was wonderful hearing all the positive comments from the teachers about our children, we were all left feeling very proud of our Stars!
Some children enjoyed creating `Snow` posters which are displayed around the school, the children came up with some wonderful ideas and rules about how to play safely in the snow. These children chose to design the posters in their own time and we wanted to say thank you by giving them a certificate.

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Primary Assembly

Categories: Academic

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