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The La Garenne Blog


Mountain dinner

The students have enoyed the activities this term and the evening activities have been a lot of fun. Last week the students enjoyed going up the mountain by ski-do and having dinner with their friends, before driving back down and returning to school. It has been a busy term so far!

Mountain dinner

Categories: Boarding Life


Cooking club

Yesterday our youngest students participated in their first cooking experience out of school. There was of course no better way to start than by making chocolate and of course, eating their work at the end. It was a fantastic experience and we are lucky to have Swiss chocolatiers who were patient enough to spend time doing so with them!

Cooking club

Categories: Boarding Life


Year 1 and 2

In Science we have been learning about light and dark as part of the IPC unit: Seeing the Light. We planned fair tests to find out what seeds need to grow into healthy plants and to investigate how important light is for plant growth. We loved seeing how our seeds grew and found out that the seeds did grow without light, but they did not look very healthy. We have also been finding out the difference a light source and reflection and testing different materials for their reflective qualities. In IPC we practised our mapping skills, drawing maps of the school grounds where we will record the light sources we have discovered in this area.

Our fractions learning in maths became a feast as we ‘shared’ cakes and investigated halves and wholes using cookies!

We worked in pairs to plan our own stories based on the Three Little Pigs and then we wrote our creative versions in Big Writing, Our characters included a range of animals including elephants, mice and even a rhinoceros.

science minis 2 science minis 2

Year 1 and 2

Categories: Academic


'A Journey to Space'

In Literacy, Year 5 have been writing stories entitled 'A Journey to Space'. This was a great way to link with our IPC topic 'Space Explorers', getting the children to imagine what it would be like as an astronaut and then to convey this descriptively in their writing. Their writing included some elements of fantasy, alongside real life descriptions of the planets and what it might really feel like to take this journey. They were also asked to use a wide range of vocabulary, including similes and adverbs for effect.

Eliza Arthur

Categories: Academic


Year 8 have been studying rivers

Year 8 have been studying rivers and in yesterday's lesson we decided to go and get some first-hand knowledge of our local stream - La Petite Gryonne. Its flow varies greatly with the seasons and its steep valley is where all the snow is dumped when the streets of Villars are cleared after heavy snowfalls. The students understood a great deal more by looking at the river features 'in the field' as well as in the classroom. They also saw first-hand how humans can have an impact on natural features. For the return to La Garenne, they were given the choice  - a short, steep slope or a longer, more gentle one. They unanimously chose the steep slope. 
 It was great to see the whole class rising to the challenge!

studying rivers1 studying rivers1 studying rivers1

Year 8 have been studying rivers

Categories: Academic

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