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The La Garenne Blog


Clubs and activities

The children have all started their new clubs and activities for the term. They are enjoying the multitude of activities on offer and especially the popular clubs such as skiing, mountain biking, football and not to forget cooking! This term we have started a few new clubs and in particular our charity club. The students will be raising money this term in order to offer Christmas presents locally to children who may be spending Christmas alone.

Clubs and activities

Categories: Boarding Life


International Day of Peace

On Friday, Samantha and her Year 3/4 class talked to us about ´International Day of Peace’, which was celebrated on the 21st September all around the world. The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21st each year to recognise the efforts of those who have worked hard to end conflict and promote peace. Samantha told us the story of Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani activist who continues to fight for the rights for female education and she is also the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.

This was followed by the continuation of our weekly IPC gratitudes, with students thanking others for acts of kindness towards them, and then ended with our stars of the week. This week they were awarded for ‘resilience’.

International Day of Peace

Categories: Academic


Presentation on Bees

This week Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed a fascinating presentation on Bees. We were shown a video explaining how the bees work together as a community and learned about the life cycle of the bee as well as the importance of the role of the Queen Bee in the hive. To finish, we were able to sample a wide variety of delicious honey. Thank you to Angela for coming to talk to us. 

Presentation on Bees

Categories: Academic


Boarding year

With the start to the new school year well under way, we are happy to see that the students are enjoying their first few weeks at school. This year we welcome the first MYP4 class to La Garenne and we are happy to see that they are enjoying their time here. There are many activities, visits, classes and extracurricular choices keeping everyone very busy!

Boarding year

Categories: Boarding Life


Minis’ Assembly on Friday

During the Minis’ assembly on Friday morning, Gemma, our Year 6 teacher, treated us to an introduction to the wonders of Roald Dahl! We read about and guessed characters from their descriptions, Gemma read us a passage from ‘James and the Giant Peach’ and we also watched a short extract from the film.
Last Friday was ‘Roald Dahl’ Day so this was a superb opportunity for us to find out more about him and his many, many popular and page-turning children’s novels. Nearly every one of the Minis had read one or more of his books, which was great to see and I am sure, after Gemma’s wonderful assembly, that they will be inspired to pick up another! Gemma has also hidden some ‘golden tickets’ inside books in the library to encourage the children to pick up and choose books that perhaps they wouldn’t normally have chosen. I, personally, can’t wait to find one!!
The assembly finished with our weekly ‘gratitudes’. Every Friday, the students are given the opportunity to say something positive about another student, relating to one or more of the IPC goals. We also had our ‘Stars of the Week’, this week given for ‘Enquiry’ in the classroom. Well done to all who received a certificate this week and to everyone else for showing excellent enquiry.
Minis’ Assembly on Friday

Categories: Academic

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