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This term the Senior girls have finally saved up enough money to go for the weekend to Lucerne. They have been saving money in order to pay for a weekend away together, including their hotel and I am sure, lots of shopping. Paula and Maria-Sofia will accompany them and I am sure they will have a great time.


Categories: Boarding Life


Morning walk

The ski season is well under way and in a few weeks we will be going for a morning 'walk.' Starting at 2am, we leave with touring skis, walk from 1300m to 2100m to the top of Grand Chamossaire, have breakfast and then ski back to school. The question now is, who is up to the challenge? Available for eight students in the higher age range and intermediate skiers and above. When asked, the children only answered one word, which they repeated again and again,.... 'Walk?'

Morning walk

Categories: Boarding Life


IPC Term 2

This term our students will be learning through exciting new IPC units.

Reception will be learning about ‘Patterns’ and then ‘Animals’.

Year 1 and 2 will be ‘Seeing the Light’ with a Science based unit about light and shadow.

Year 3 and 4 will be comparing the lives of children in different countries in their unit called ‘Different Places, Similar Lives’.

Year 5 will become ‘Space Explorers’ and learn about the solar system.

Year 6 will be studying 3 ancient civilisations starting with the Maya in their new unit AD900.

IPC Term 2

Categories: Academic


Years 7, 8 and 9 began their new IMYC Units

For Year 7, the unit is based on Risk.    

‘Progress involves exposing ourselves to and considering the impact or forms of danger, harm, uncertainty or opportunity’.

As their Entry Point, the students took part in an exercise involving safety in the mountains when doing outdoor activities and winter sports.


For Year 8, Competition is the theme for their curriculum unit.

‘Trying to beat others has good and bad consequences’.

Their Entry Point took them to the European Curling Centre in Champéry. After an hour of instruction with qualified trainers, the group took part in a curling competition  - with a pizza meal as a reward for the winners.





For Year 9, The Big Idea is based on Interpretation.

‘Only a very few things are true for all people’.

Vevey is the headquarters of Nestlé and home to their food museum - the Alimentarium. Recently refurbished, this is highly interactive museum based on all aspects of food and nutrition. The focus was on the social aspects of food - particularly on our varying opinions on what is good food or not, relating to such elements as culture, religion, age and lifestyle.

alimentarium term2 4

alimentarium term2 3

alimentarium term2 1

The Entry Point for an IMYC Big Idea provides a springboard into the unit of study, focussing the students’ attention and stimulating interest in the subject-based topics that will follow.  


Years 7, 8 and 9 began their new IMYC Units

Categories: Academic


First Week

The first week back is going well and the students have been very lucky with the good weather and fresh snow. It has been a very busy week and the students have not had a minute to stop so far with the activities, lessons, sports and a couple of birthdays as well! We are happy to welcome the new house parents to the La Garenne building, Alex and Sara are enjoying their start to the year and I am sure they will adapt quickly to boarding school life!

First Week

Categories: Boarding Life

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