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The La Garenne Blog




Star of the Week, Year 5 and Roman Trip

Each week the class teacher rewards one child in their class the Star of the Week as a result of their outstanding learning and/ or behaviour. Their achievement is celebrated during the assembly on a Tuesday. The `STAR`receives a certificate which is presented in the assembly and their name is added to the Star of the Week display board for all to see! Well done to the STARS this week.

star of the week1


star of the week1


star of the week1


star of the week1


star of the week1


Star of the Week, Year 5 and Roman Trip

Categories: Academic


Academic News – the Junior classes

This week saw the beginning of new IMYC Units for Year 7, 8 and 9. The ‘Big Ideas’ shown below will underpin teaching and learning for the rest of this term. On Monday, the three classes experienced the entry points for the new units. The pictures below show some of the activities undertaken to focus the students’ thinking on the Big Idea of Adaptability.


year 7 adaptability

Year 7 Adaptability

The Big Idea
Adaptability is demonstrated by the ability to change, alter or cope with new environments or circumstances.


year 8 reflection

Year 8 Reflection

The Big Idea
Complex decision-making requires space and time.



Year 9 Development

The Big Idea
Long lasting changes take place slowly over time.

Categories: Academic


Art with Year 3 & 4 and French with Year 1 & 2

Art with Year 3 & 4

The children in Year 3 & 4 have been working diligently on their fantastic still life compositions. The French artist, Paul Cézanne was their inspiration.

French with Year 1 & 2

Exercice d'écriture réalisé avec les élèves de Yr.1/Yr.2.
Objectif : Construire un maximum de phrases en réutilisant le vocabulaire abordé en classe depuis le mois de septembre.

Art with Year 3 & 4 and French with Year 1 & 2

Categories: Academic, Boarding Life


Year 9 Cruise: Part 2

Arriving in the early morning, the students went on a fascinating walking tour around the historical city of Valletta in Malta. We visited the old town with its fortresses, ancient churches, government buildings and narrow streets, all built around the natural harbour.

Day 4   Malta 11

Day 4   Malta 11

We then had a whole day at sea on our way to Barcelona, during which the students were able to make the most of the fantastic facilities on the MSC Meraviglia.

 Year 9 Cruise: Part 2

Categories: Academic, School Trips


Welcome Back :)

It was wonderful to see so many smiley faces entering Academia this morning. The children were excited to be back at school and they were motivated to start the second half of the term. We enjoyed hearing all about their adventures over the holidays.

We have got a busy week planned for the children; the Reception and Year 1 & 2 class will be visiting Labyrinthe Aventure and a local farm with their teachers on Thursday and Friday while the Year 3 - Year 9 children will be exploring Europa Park. Let's not forget our Halloween Party for the whole school on Saturday, look out for some spooky photos next week!


Let's catch up with our Year 1 & 2 class and see what they have been learning.

Lisa and Simon enjoyed recording sentences for their story to help them to write them. The children have been practising their beautiful handwriting using a range of different media and in maths they have learned how to sort 2D shapes using Venn diagrams through practical and interactive activities.

Welcome Back :)

Categories: Academic

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