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Year 9 Cruise: Part 2

Arriving in the early morning, the students went on a fascinating walking tour around the historical city of Valletta in Malta. We visited the old town with its fortresses, ancient churches, government buildings and narrow streets, all built around the natural harbour.

Day 4   Malta 11

Day 4   Malta 11

We then had a whole day at sea on our way to Barcelona, during which the students were able to make the most of the fantastic facilities on the MSC Meraviglia.

Next day, leaving the impressive port area of Barcelona, we toured the city centre, visiting the Park Güell, the Cathedral, the main government buildings, Las Ramblas and the Boqueria covered market. We enjoyed a traditional Spanish lunch of pintxos - delicious open sandwiches with a wide variety of fillings. Our final visit was to Gaudi’s as-yet unfinished masterpiece - the church of the Sagrada Familia. It was an exciting and lively time to be in Barcelona as we were there on the day that Catalonia declared its independence from Spain. It will be interesting to see how this on-going story develops.  

Day 6 Barcelona 10

Day 6   Barcelona 9

Day 6   Barcelona 7

Day 6   Barcelona 9

Leaving Barcelona, we sailed along the French coast to Marseille. Here, we walked around the historical port area, containing some of the city’s oldest buildings, along with some of its most modern architecture. In the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MUCEM), we saw exhibitions examining the evolution of agriculture, trade and innovation in the Mediterranean region through time. Finally, we visited the Cathedral La Major.


The last leg of our journey took us back to our starting point – the port of Genoa. From there, we drove back to Switzerland via the Mont Blanc tunnel. We stopped for one last taste of Italy on the way – a delicious pizza!

Thanks to all of the students who were part of this memorable experience, to Mélanie and Baptiste for their hard work and enthusiasm and finally to those who were in the background, looking after all the organisation and logistics.


More photos are available here: https://www.la-garenne.ch/en/info/photos/event/Year9CruiseTrip

Derek Lineham


 Year 9 Cruise: Part 2

Categories: Academic, School Trips

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