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The La Garenne Blog


Year 1 & 2 Class Trip

Today the children in Year 1 & 2 are having fun building sand castles at Bouveret Beach and exploring the Swiss Vapeur Park. Their IPC unit this term is, `Hooray Let`s Go On Holiday`. This has been the ideal opportunity to make links to their learning and enjoy time out of the classroom together, they have impressed us with their fantastic communication, creativity and enquiry skills.
Well done Year 1 & 2!
year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2 year1 2 trip 2
Year 1 & 2 Class Trip

Categories: Academic



This week the children have participated in over 40 different after school clubs and activities. We were very lucky to have beautiful weather and the chess teacher was able to teach using the outdoor chess set! The drama production is well under way for the end of the year and we can't wait to see what the students will do this year!


Categories: Boarding Life


Reception - Year 6 Assembly

On Friday 21st September it is the International Day of Peace. This morning in assembly we discussed what `peace` means, we thought about how we as individuals can make a difference. 

This special day began on the 21st September 1981and was organised by the United Nations General Assembly. 

What is the United Nations (UN)?

The United Nations organisation was formed after the Second World War ended. Neighbouring countries could no longer trust one another, and there was no peace. In 1945, representatives from 51 countries met in San Francisco, USA. The representatives signed an important document which agreed to keep peace around the World. Membership to the UN is open to all peace-loving states, there are currently 193 nations that are members. One of the main UN offices is found in Geneva, here in Switzerland.
We enjoyed reading the book, `Five Minutes` Peace`. We talked about what peace looks like, feels like, smells like and sounds like to different people, and we thought about how we can help create a culture of peace in our own environments. 
The children in Year 1 - Year 6 then worked in groups to write an acrostic poem about peace.
Promises mean peace
Everyone is quiet
An act of kindness creates a new, more peaceful planet for everyone
Come together to make World Peace
End war
blog 1 blog 1 blog 1 blog 1

Categories: Academic


Boarding school

The year has had a very quick start with the arrival of the new students, the expeditions, new clubs and activities each day! The students have had a good start to the year and they are lucky that the sun has followed them back from their holidays allowing them to play outside and enjoy themselves. We are proud of all of our students and this weekend we were happy to see that Daria competed in an international chess competition and was placed very highly and Andrey played eight ice-hockey matches and scored fifteen goals, the highest scorer! Well done!

Boarding school

Categories: Boarding Life


The start of a new school year – welcome, everybody!

Years 7, 8 and 9 began their new IMYC units.

The Big Idea for the Year 7 unit is Balance    

Things are more stable when different elements are in the correct or best possible proportions.


The Entry Point involved the students taking part in a yoga lesson, examining ideas of physical and mental balance. This led on to a discussion on the broader aspects of balance, including such things as diet, work/life balance and ecosystems. The students will now to go on to further explore this Big Idea in their individual subjects.


The start of a new school year – welcome, everybody!

Categories: Academic

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