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The La Garenne Blog


Girls day

The girls had a fantastic day out this weekend in Lausanne. The shops were very happy to see the group arrive and they left with nearly everything they found. The girls cooked their own dinner in the evening and enjoyed their time together.

Girls day

Categories: Boarding Life


Art Trip

The MYP 3 and 4 students took a trip to see a valuable collection of works by two famous sculptors: Auguste Rodin and Alberto Giacometti.  Both of the artists have a museum dedicated to their work in Paris. The two museums came together to make a combined traveling show that highlights the similarities and differences in their work.  For the students, the most important element was to realize that the expression, imperfection, gesture and liberty found in the sculptures of Rodin and Giacometti influences how we work today.  MYP 3 will begin a Giacometti like expressive sculpture and MYP 4 have already begun very clever sketches for their expressive figurative sculptures.  We will hopefully enjoy seeing these pieces on display in the creative space at the end of term. 

Art Trip

Categories: Academic



This week we have seen a multitude of cooperation throughout the Minis at La Garenne. Year 5 volunteered to help out in our school farm each morning; feeding and caring for our goats, chickens and rabbits. This has been incredibly important, especially now that the snow has come and the temperatures have dropped.
Year 5 also worked together to create short group plays, telling the ‘Greek Myth’ story of ‘Daedalus and Icarus’. They created their own props and costumes, and performed to rest of the class.
Lastly, our weekly assembly saw nine children crowned star of the week, having displayed the very best examples of cooperation - well done to all these children!

Categories: Academic


Year 1 and 2 visited the Tourist Information Office

This week Year 1 and 2 visited the Tourist Information Office in Villars as part of their new Geography topic. They prepared some fantastic questions and brought back lots of information to help them build their own Tourist Office Role Play Area for their classroom. On the way back they took photographs to help them identify geographical features and thought about what makes Villars a great place to visit and to live in!

2office tourisme 2office tourisme

Year 1 and 2 visited the Tourist Information Office

Categories: Academic


MYP4 students visited Berlin

Over the half term break, our MYP4 students visited Berlin for a week packed full of history and culture. The students travelled by train to encourage them to reflect upon the environmental impact of flying. This also gave everyone plenty of time to rest up and prepare for the busy week ahead! 

Once in Berlin, the students experienced a variety of cultural tours and museum visits. They particularly enjoyed visiting the DDR Museum and learning about life in East Berlin during the time of the Cold War. The students also took part in some community challenges in order to help them prepare for the Service as Action element of their MYP studies. These ranged from interviewing members of the public to getting their hands dirty making compost in an eco-garden!
A real highlight of the week for all was visiting some of Berlin's best street art with a local artist who then shared some of his top tips in a graffiti workshop. Each of our students created an art piece to take away with them. In addition, they really enjoyed visiting Unsich Bar, a somewhat unusual restaurant where they were served a delicious three-course surprise menu in complete darkness!
MYP4 students visited Berlin

Categories: Academic

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