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The La Garenne Blog


Articles tagged with: masterchef


Primary Visit to "Alimentarium"

This beautiful and sunny Tuesday 1st June, the Year 3/4 class went on a trip to the Alimentarium in Vevey. They enjoyed a walk along the lakefront, playing in the park and a fantastic picnic where they ate their bespoke, hand made, triple decker sandwiches that they had prepared the day before.  

Inside the Alimentarium there were lots of great interactive displays which taught us all about where food comes from and how it gets transported around the world. 

We really enjoyed playing on the educational games and learning about how different cultures around the world eat in different ways and what different types of food were eaten throughout history.

Upstairs we learned about being Vegan, digestion and our senses.

After a quick break for an ice cream we returned to complete our workshop where we made citron confits and our own curry mix using 8 different spices! We had so much fun and can’t wait to cook our very own curry!

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Categories: Academic



The students will be competing in the annual Masterchef competion today, the 12th December. A popular competition, the students begin with a meeting concerning the rules, organisation and how the points are awarded. Once done, each team captain, a member of staff, will choose names from a bag, therefore, we never know who is in which group until we start! If your team is lucky, you may have students in the La Garenne cooking club who already have experience in cooking.

Each team has an envelope with CHF30.- in it to go shopping, buy ingredients and make a starter, main course and desert for one person. All the dishes will be judged at the allocated time with the students present. A trophy is awarded to each member of the winning team. We wish them the best of luck!


Categories: Boarding Life

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