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Year 5 - 'Properties and Change of Materials'

In Science, our topic this term is 'Properties and Change of Materials'. We have been carrying out weekly investigations and experiments, and the two pictures show us separating different materials and also looking at which were soluble or insoluble, to make solutions. The children have also been learning the key vocabulary for this topic, as well as enjoying kahoot quizzes to check their understanding.

In Maths this week, we have been working on long division using the 'chunking method', which has been a new challenge for the children. They have shown resilience and risen to this challenge! We also revised Roman Numerals, converting numbers up to 3000!

In IPC, our topic of 'Moving People' has proved extremely interesting to the children, broadening their ideas about the world and developing empathy for others. Today we debated whether the UK (like many other countries) should except more refugees. 

In Literacy, the children have written empathetic poems, with rhyming sentences, to show their thoughts about their sense of culture and what it would feel like to lose it. We had lots of thoughtful, deep ideas and real empathy for those children that have lost their homes and left their countries due to a number of reasons, in extremely difficult circumstances. All our work this term has linked to our class reader 'Boy Overboard' by Morris Gleitzman.

Properties and Change of Materials2

Properties and Change of Materials2 Properties and Change of Materials2 Properties and Change of Materials2 Properties and Change of Materials2 Properties and Change of Materials2 Properties and Change of Materials2

Year 5 - 'Properties and Change of Materials'

Categories: Academic

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