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IMYC - Academic news for September 2017

Curriculum development for the Junior classes: We are introducing several important initiatives for the coming school year. We believe these changes will improve the learning of the students and at the same time structure their day in a way that provides a better equilibrium between their school and study time and their ‘home life’ in the boarding house. These are outlined below:  

Year 6 corresponds to the final year of the UK Key Stage 2, and this class will be integrated into the Minis section of the school, and they will continue to follow the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). The Junior Section will consist of Years 7, 8 and 9, which corresponds to the UK Key Stage 3.


In order to provide greater continuity in the curriculum across the whole school, the Junior Section will be following the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) from September 2017. This is a middle school programme, which is a natural continuation from the IPC, which has been in place at La Garenne for the past four years. Young teenagers have particular needs and ways of learning. The IMYC is designed to support and improve their learning through this critical time in their development. At the same time, it contains the content of internationally recognised curricula for this age group, including the UK Key Stage 3. More detailed information on the curriculum and the teaching methodology will follow soon.

We will be introducing a range of options for the Junior classes, giving them a certain degree of choice for some of their academic subjects.

A major focus for next year, both in class and beyond the classroom, will be actively encouraging the students to read as much as possible - in English and French as well as in their Mother Tongue.

Study will now be integrated into the school day, taking place after classes and before clubs. Furthermore, the students’ regular specialist teachers will supervise the study. This will mean that more effective guidance can be given during study time. The evenings will then be free for some in-house activities, as well as social and personal time. These are vital elements in individual development and advancement.

In response to the demands of students and parents, we will be introducing more competitive sports, in which La Garenne students will be matched against teams from other schools. The teams will be trained during club time, to enable them to improve their skills and teamwork.

IMYC - Academic news for September 2017

Categories: Academic

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