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English Section - Monkeys!

This week, the children in the Monkeys’ class have enjoyed playing some team games on the interactive whiteboard. These games have helped them practise their vocabulary around the different topics we have studied, as well as work together and communicate in English. The game ‘Wheel of Riches’ on Linguascope is a particular favourite, and they have all been very competitive!

On Thursday, the children spoke and wrote about themselves. They began the day sorting words into groups of nouns, verbs and adjectives, and then used the adjectives to describe their physical appearance and personality. They enjoyed having a go at drawing the other side of their faces!

The children also looked at some more advance vocabulary associated with homes and houses. They described the types of houses that they live in, in their home countries and they rooms that are in them!

The children enjoyed reading, watching and retelling the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. They worked in groups to order the story sections, using sequencing cards, then retell the story using a story map, and lastly, retell the story orally to the class. All the children spoke clearly and were not afraid to try, even when they were not sure of the correct English words to use; it was lovely to see the children helping each other.

English Section - Monkeys!

Categories: Summer Camp

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