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ECAs and Weekend Activities

This term we have again offered a wide range of extracurricular activities, open to all. Students have been able to choose from academic subject clinics, creative activities and sports. Our most popular options are golf, cookery, trail running, fitness, robotics/3D printing, the stock market club and yoga.

On of the things we are able to do as a bespoke Swiss boarding school, is to make special arrangements for students who show particular aptitude and talents for particular sports. This could be swimming, horse riding, golf or even ice hockey. Andrei is a formidable ice hockey player who trains almost every day, yet manages to combine this very successfully with his academic studies. It means getting up early to go to training, and coming back ready to study in a normal, ice-free classroom!

We also try to celebrate as many festivals as we can. Naturally, Halloween is a great favourite and this year, our students carved pumpkins and the best one got a voucher to their favourite restaurant in Villars.

At the weekend, we make the most of our surroundings, taking students out to explore our own beautiful canton of Vaud and neighbouring Valais. We do not have to go far to enjoy great views. We have also been climbing, playing padel tennis, relaxing at the thermal baths in Lavey, as well as trying out beach volleyball and enjoying the first snow of the season in Saas Fee.

In addition to our regular weekend excursions, we have introduced a more ambitious outdoor programme: students have had to choose from Via Ferrata (rock climbing) canyoning, bridge swinging and mountain biking. These challenging activities push our teenagers out of their comfort zone, teach them invaluable skills and increase self awareness and confidence. An exposed Via Ferrata route makes you dig deep to find your inner courage and strength.

Categories: Le Roc Boarding, Boarding Life

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