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Cubs & Minis - Reception to Year 6

We have had a super first week back, the children have enjoyed getting to know their teachers and new classmates. Learning started straight away for the students, please see some pictures below.
Meet just some of our fabulous class teachers. 
Miss Kirsty Maddison - Reception Teacher

My name is Kirsty and I am the Pre-Reception and Reception Class teacher. I have just started at La Garenne after moving from the UK and I am really excited to be here! I am looking forward to meeting many new children and staff and to having a go at skiing when the snow comes. I also enjoy walking and music.

Kirsty drawing


Mrs Alison Househam - Year 1 & 2 Teacher

I am the Year 1 & 2 class teacher and this is my fourth year at La Garenne. I am also responsible for Literacy  for the Minis and Cubs. I'm really excited to teach Year 1 and 2 this year and I am looking forward to getting to know these children well and being part of their learning journey this year. I love being active in our lovely mountain environment, playing tennis and running.
Alison drawing

Miss Samantha Burnham - Year 3 & 4 Teacher
Hello! My name is Samantha and I am the Year 3 & 4 class teacher. I have been at La Garenne for 4 Years and I am also responsible for helping with Child Protection and the Safeguarding of Children. I love the mountains especially the sports! In the summer you will find me on my mountain bike or in a lake and in the winter I'll be skiing. We have a very exciting term ahead filled with lots of fun Maths, English and Science but I am especially excited to be teaching our IPC topic, Active Planet, where we will be learning all about how the Earth was formed and the Geography behind our landscape and how these mountains were formed.
Sam drawing

Miss Jenny Hankin - Year 5 Teacher
I am the Year 5 teacher and this is my fourth year teaching at La Garenne, and my second year teaching in Year 5. I am responsible for teaching the children maths, literacy, IPC and science and will be taking the PET Cambridge English lessons this academic year.
I am looking forward to teaching Literacy this year because we have some really great books to read and write about, and I am also looking forward to the Year 5 residential trip with my class and working with all the minis and their teachers for the next end of year show!
Aside from my teaching, I really enjoy music and play the violin, clarinet, saxophone and a little piano. I also really love swimming, skiing and reading in my spare time!
Jenny drawing

Miss Gemma Simone - Year 6 Teacher
Hello, my name in Gemma and I am from England. I have lived and taught around the globe and am passionate about making a positive learning environment in which students know that open, critical, and creative thinking is encouraged and respected. I strive to make learning fun, challenging and embedded in real life principles to help students prepare for an ever changing world and lifelong learning journey.
Gemma drawing
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blog cubs week1 1
Cubs & Minis - Reception to Year 6

Categories: Academic

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