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Assembly - Cubs & Minis

Assembly - Cubs & Minis

This week in assembly we learnt all about the Ancient Greeks thanks to Year 5. The students had prepared an informative powerpoint which they presented to us. We enjoyed decoding some ancient Greek writing in groups and the students proved that the cylindrical buildings, which were used by the ancient Greeks, are very strong.

Thank you Year 5 & Jenny!

Last week it was Year 6's turn to present. Their IPC unit this term is 'Champions For Change'. Throughout the tasks in this unit, the children are working in teams to develop political party and campaign for change in their school and local area. The purpose is for the children to experience the campaign process and to learn about the systems of government in their home and host countries, as well as the varying types of government around the world.

During the assembly, the children split into two teams. The yellow team presented an argument to finish school at 15:15 each day and the blue team gave the opposing argument. Each spokesperson took it in turns, they spoke with confidence and clarity and delivered a very convincing point of view. We were then invited to vote for the team that gave the best argument.

Well done Year 6 & Gemma!


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Assembly - Cubs & Minis

Categories: Academic

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