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Academic Blog July 2020 - End of the school year

The School Year 2019-2020 has now come to a close - and what an eventful year it has been! On Friday we had the final MYP assembly, during which the awards were made for academic points over the course of the 3rd Term. Congratulations to Jack, Hanna, Alexa and Angel for winning the points prizes for their respective classes. 

The periods of distance learning and then blended learning have been a challenge for teachers and students alike. I would like to thank all the teachers for their flexibility in adapting to the challenges of teaching in these very new circumstances. The vast majority of the students rose to the challenge and maintained a high level of application and resilience during the school closure. Some achieved outstanding results and showed their true qualities as independent learners. These skills will be vital for them as they move up through school. 

We are now looking forward to the School Year 2020-2021. We have exciting new projects for the coming academic year, not least of which is the move to Le Roc Campus for the Senior students in MYP 4 and 5. MYP 1-3 will also use the facilities in the new building, so everyone has plenty to look forward to! Have a great summer  - and see you in September!

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Academic Blog July 2020 - End of the school year

Categories: Academic

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