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The La Garenne Blog


Academic Blog

The dust has settled on the first term and everyone is now enjoying a well-earned winter break. The IMYC and IPC Exit Points marked the close of the term. The students’ work was showcased at the Academic Exhibition, which was greatly appreciated by the students and parents. We all then went our separate ways for the winter holidays. 

Just before the end of term, celebratory assemblies were held during which the students received their e-Praise awards for the term. The students in Years 7, 8 and 9 with the highest number of e-Praise points will be receiving a special award. They will be spending an afternoon and evening in Geneva in January. With sustainable living in mind, the group of 18 students and accompanying staff will travel to Geneva by train.  They will see an afternoon performance of the play ‘Pygmalion’by George Bernard Shaw. The Hollywood musical and film versions of the play are better known under the name of ‘My Fair Lady’. The play will be performed by the TNT Theatre group from the UK. This theatrical company is renowned for bringing the theatre alive for young people. The evening will end with a meal at a well-known Italian restaurant in Geneva. Well done to the top scorers on e-Praise!    

May I end by wishing you all a very happy family holiday!      

Academic Blog

Categories: Academic

Comments (1)

  • Hannah Jackson

    Hannah Jackson

    23 February 2019 at 08:58 |
    Thanks for sharing Academic Blog. I really appreciate it.


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