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The La Garenne Blog


School Trips


And we're off!

There's been a palpable sense of excitement across La Garenne for the last week, as students and staff prepare for the best event of 2022: the School Trip. Our buildings and boarding houses have been ringing to the cries of "where's my passport?", "I can't find my flipflops" and, most importantly, "will I be able to sleep on safari?"

This year we are going to Tanzania, Costa Rica, Portugal (actually the Azores) and France. Even our youngest children from age 5 have days of activities planned including trips to Aquatis, a chocolate factory and the beautiful floral sculptures down by Lac Léman (Lake Geneva).

Like every school trip, there is always a reason behind choosing the destination. Our students will learn about biodiversity, ecology, conservation, and in Tanzania, they'll be helping on humanitarian projects such as installing solar panels and renovating a school. Privilege comes with responsibility.

The reason for so much excitement - after all, school trips at La Garenne are compulsory - is because we haven't been able to go to faraway places for almost two years. Finally though, with restrictions lifted, bags are packed, plane tickets are bought and yes, those flip flops have been found.

You can follow the progress of our students across La Garenne's social media, particularly Instagram and Facebook, where we will be posting regular updates and highlights.

off to tanzania

And we're off!

Categories: School Trips


The LG Radio Show Live with Year 5

During the last week of this half term, Year 5 embarked on a new challenge - bringing ‘live’ news to the school community via what we liked to refer to as the ‘LG Radio Show’ aka the academic tannoy equipment!  The students in Year 5 took on this challenge as part of their IPC topic ‘Making the News’, which has involved researching and exploring the developments of news and communication methods over time. Each morning at 8am, three children broadcast the news, live, including lunch menus, announcements, weather and also world news updates. Everyone enjoyed listening to the news - stay tuned, we may decide to broadcast ‘live’ again in the near future!

The LG Radio Show Live with Year 5

Categories: School Trips


Choir Club travelled to Manchester

On Sunday 10th February 2019 our Choir Club travelled to Manchester along with Samantha, Jean-Seb and Kirsty. 

As part of the IPC topic 'Different Places, Similar Lives', we visited a school in the UK, shared lessons, assembly, playtime and lunchtime  and had a choir rehearsal together. Everyone had lots to learn from each other and both children and staff made new friends. Later in the day we travelled to the Manchester Arena to take part in the Young Voices Concert. We had been busy rehearsing for months and were very excited to be part of the largest children's concerts in the world. Everyone sang and danced all evening and the atmosphere was amazing!
The next day we went to the Blue Planet Aquarium and enjoyed a fascinating workshop. Looking at all the different creatures was really interesting and we especially liked travelling through the Underwater Shark Tunnel which is home to Europe's largest collection of sharks. Afterwards we went to Freedome, an aerial freestyle park where we jumped on the trampolines, crawled across ladders and swung into cargo nets. It was a brilliant challenge and everybody had lots of fun!
Later in the evening we shared a delicious meal at a lovely restaurant in the City Centre and then made our way to the Manchester Opera House to see a fantastic performance of the West End hit musical, 'Annie'. It was a wonderful end to our visit to Manchester. 
We hope you enjoy watching our Manchester movie!

Categories: School Trips


Say trip to the Natural History Museum in Geneva

Year 6 had a fantastic day trip to the Natural History Museum in Geneva. They learnt so much about animal evolution and adaptation from the amazing guide Chloe. After a delicious lunch, they really enjoyed watching the ant behaviour in the Fourmis exhibition.

natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2 natural history museum2

Say trip to the Natural History Museum in Geneva

Categories: Academic, School Trips


Year 9 Cruise: Part 2

Arriving in the early morning, the students went on a fascinating walking tour around the historical city of Valletta in Malta. We visited the old town with its fortresses, ancient churches, government buildings and narrow streets, all built around the natural harbour.

Day 4   Malta 11

Day 4   Malta 11

We then had a whole day at sea on our way to Barcelona, during which the students were able to make the most of the fantastic facilities on the MSC Meraviglia.

 Year 9 Cruise: Part 2

Categories: Academic, School Trips

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