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The La Garenne Blog


Year 1 & 2

The assembly this morning was all about working together. Year 1 & 2 told the story of the greedy brothers who had to co-operate in order to find a solution to their problem. We enjoyed listening to the children singing a song about the importance of working together and helping one another. Examples of when the children work together in class were shared with us and celebrated.

We also celebrated `International Mother Language Day`, it is a great opportunity to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The students and teachers enthusiastically took part in a quiz and shared some phrases in their mother language.

In class this week the children have been busy using feely bags with secret objects (nouns) to generate adjectives for poetry writing.

The children were challenged to think of questions about magnets and magnetism as they explored.


Year 1 & 2

Categories: Academic


Night Show

This week the students will attend the Villars Night Show. The annual show will be held on Wednesday evening on the ski piste with all the ski instructors and special guests putting on a show for the people in Villars. It is a fantastic evening and I am sure that all the students will enjoy the show!

Night Show

Chinese New Year

Tomorrow we will be celebrating the Chinese New Year. The students will have a Chinese dinner and after dinner we will all participate in Chinese film night with different films for the students depending on their age. It will be a great experience and for the new students, something else to learn about whilst studying at La Garenne. 

Chinese New Year

Categories: Boarding Life


Valentine's Party

The students had a fantastic weekend and the Valentine's party went well. The boarding committee helped Paula to set up the dining room and added all the balloons and cards. There were many cards and happy students, the meal was delicious and the roses were all over the school! One student ordered twenty-one roses for twenty-one different girls!

Valentine's Party

Categories: Academic


Let`s find out what Year 5 have been up to

1.  In Year 5, our IPC and Science topics are both 'Space'. This week, the children have been finding out about the movement of the planets around the sun, the moon around the Earth and also investigating the apparent movement of the sun throughout the day, by measuring shadows.
2. In Literacy, we are reading the novel 'Charlotte's Web' by E.B.White, with much of our writing and grammar based around this book. The children have been writing letters and diary entries from the point of view of different characters, answering comprehension questions on what they have read and drawing story maps to illustrate the progression of the story.
3. The children are extremely motivated to read this book, in class and at home, as well as enjoying their own books during quiet reading time after lunch each day.
4. In Maths, we have been revising division and multiplication, both written and orally. The children are learning new written methods to enhance their knowledge and speed of working out, as well as taking a timed times table test each week to improve the speed of their rapid recall. This week, we have also started looking at problems involving time. They have been converting between 24-hour, 12-hour and analogue clocks, and using this knowledge to answer questions using timetables.
Let`s find out what Year 5 have been up to

Categories: Academic

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