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Welcome to La Garenne School
Welcome to La Garenne School
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Step 1 : Contact


Please contact the Director of Admissions This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +41 (0)24 495 24 53 to enquire about available places and if you have any questions about the application process.


Step 2 : Visit


You are strongly advised to accompany the child on a school visit, although this is not mandatory.  This will enable you to appreciate the various aspects of our organisation and discover more about school life.


Step 3 : Documents 


  • Complete the online Admission Form
  • Send scanned copies of grading reports for the last two years to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. These must include the annual report for the previous academic year and the most recent report.
  • Send scanned copies of the child’s passport and vaccination records to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Provide a short reference letter in English or French from the School Principal, Class Teacher or Head of Academics at the child’s current school.


Step 4 : Evaluation Test 

An entry evaluation test of English and Mathematics must be completed for children applying for Year 3 to Year 9.

The Admissions Office will organise testing at school or the test may be sent to the current school or home.  Tests conducted outside La Garenne must comply with certain requirements as specified by the office.


Step 5 : Decision 

The Admissions Committee will consider the completed file and make a decision. The meeting is held once a week and the family will be advised of the outcome on that same day.


Step 6 : Enrollment Fees


Once the family has been informed of a successful application, an invoice of CHF 2'000.- to cover enrolment fees is sent with the admission letter. A single payment of this amount in full is due on receipt of the invoice. This payment guarantees the child’s place and is non-refundable.


ACCOUNT NO U 0425-1457654-21
IBAN IN CHF: CH94 0483 5145 7654 2100 0

Please reference the name of the student.


Step 7 :  Visa & Swiss Student Permit


Boarding students with European nationalities do not require a Student Visa to enter Switzerland
Boarding students holding a European passport or any citizenship not requiring a Student Visa to enter Switzerland (e.g. Japanese) need only to apply for a Swiss Student permit. The school will gather the necessary documents at the start of the school year, or when the child is physically present at school. Parents will not need to take any action, as it is the responsibility of the school to declare these students to the local authorities. An amount of CHF 2'000.- will be included on the first invoice, covering the request for the Swiss Student Permit.


Boarding students with NON-European nationalities require a Student Visa to enter Switzerland
Boarding students with non-European nationalities must have a visa to enter Switzerland. An application for a Swiss Student Visa (not a Tourist Visa) should be made at least 6-8 weeks prior to their arrival at school. The school will help the family gather all the necessary documents required by the Swiss authorities in their country of origin or residency. Parents are strongly advised to follow the school guidelines, to avoid delays in the procedure - which may lead to authorisation not arriving in time. Once the visa is obtained, and after the child has arrived at school, our office will apply for the Swiss Student permit. Parents do not need to take any further action at that stage, as it is the responsibility of the school to declare these students to the local authorities. An amount of CHF 4'000.- will be included on the first invoice, covering the request for the Swiss student Visa and Permit. 


Step 8 :  School Fees Payment


Parents of all new students will receive a first invoice for two thirds of the school fees that must be settled by July 1st. The second invoice representing the balance is to be paid by December 1st.

Please refer to our General Conditions for details.




Outstanding Features


One of the best boarding schools in the world is how parents describe us. La Garenne is highly valued by parents and students with a 96% satisfaction rate.
We are an international boarding school for children from 4 to 18 years old and located in Villars, a beautiful and sunny ski resort in the Swiss mountains of the Alps. We are a family-run private school and are proud of our values, close-knit international family atmosphere, security and cultural diversity.

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Primary School


Middle School


Senior School


We value academic excellence through highly committed and passionate teachers, inquiry-based learning, state-of-the-art educational technology.

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School Blog

Academic excellence, a warm international family ambience in which diversity is welcomed, and a safe location in exceptional surroundings, are our core values.

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Beyond the Classroom

Activities are extremely important in the development of a child. As well as enriching a child, these activities support his or her wellbeing, evolution...

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La Garenne Camps

Children from around the world join our authentic Swiss summer and winter camps, with a choice of sessions...

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Term Dates

Important dates of the school year

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Photo Gallery

Click on the image for the photo gallery: see school life at La Garenne and enjoy new photos each week...

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Boarding Life

Your child receives individual attention from our professional, caring staff. Our shared goal is to raise happy, motivated, healthy and resilient...

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Virtual Tour

Click on the image for a virtual tour: see La Garenne and Le Roc Campus and enjoy the extraordinary panorama...

Take the Virtual Tour

Our Values

Personal attention

International diversity

Global awareness

Healthy living

Passion for learning

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Academic Excellence

Accredited curriculum

Passionate teaching

Lessons in English

French for all

Small class sizes

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Beyond the Classroom

Outdoor learning

Art, drama & music


Snow sports

Clubs & activities

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Pastoral Care

Day & boarding

Safe environment

Wraparound care

Exceptional location

State of the art campus

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